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Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!

It is time for favor in my life now.  I am receiving genuine favor that comes from the Divine!

Ever had a moment, a big spontaneous aha that whatever struggle you are in the midst of is not required?  You are meant to live life knowing that everything is working out for you. If you do, then the perceived struggle just becomes a step in the process of things working out for you successfully. 

Of course, you are in the driver’s seat.  If you choose to see things always being part of a plan for your good… that is what evolves.  Because you never let any thought creep into your consciousness otherwise.  As a result, you will make decisions from this base and choose over and over a path that leads you to what you have been envisioning.  Of course, it will because the Universe is responding according to Divine Law.

Understand timing is up to the Divine, so stay focused and open to the how and when it happens.  But stand your ground with your belief that favor is yours.  Express your gratitude in advance.  That is faith in action, believing before it unfolds.  Just know that it will.  You are a natural born creator, and this is part of your makeup so WORK IT!

 Discover gems like these and much more with me in my classes, LifePath Readings, Systemic Constellations, counseling and Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own Pathway to fulfillment in confidence, relationships, career, financial success and more.

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I am Deb Foggio.