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Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!

“I AM creating only joyful experiences in my world.”

Moment to moment, thought after thought, you are building your prosperity muscles. Having the right attitude is the fuel that feeds those muscles.  But just like you have to get up and go to the gym and workout every day to have that great body that you want, you have to workout your mind and heart consistently  to create the wonderful and prosperous life you desire to live. 

Think of affirmations like weights.  The more reps you do, the bigger and more powerful your thoughts and the more you can feel and believe and know that change is coming. 

Feeling your worth and giving of your talents are huge parts of your workout routine.  You feel good doing what you love and helping those around you while you do it. This keeps you motivated to reach your goal.  Remember you are ultimately working for you.  This is a labor of love.  It is joyful. 

Staying positive about your workout multiplies the results. What you will achieve and create will be more joyful experiences …more wonderful creations.  You may experience challenge in the process but you should never take your focus off the fact that you are choosing to learn and grow in joy.  Do not focus on the details of the challenge.  That’s like being focused on crumbs when the whole pie is before you.  Focus on the successful outcome only and get excited. When you begin feeling peace and seeing signs, know that your workout is beginning to payoff. 

Discover gems like these and much more with me and my classes, counseling and Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own Pathway to happiness, financial success, and more. Call me at 248-702-7064 or go to Learn more. Create powerfully.

I am Deb Foggio.

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