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The Perfect Landscape for Inner Refllection

It's Winter! It's Cold! And I am craving to sleep more hours every day!

I am fighting the urge to hibernate and I know many of you are too. Instead of giving into my body, I am listening to it. I know it needs to build it's energy reserve. I am just choosing how that happens. (Practicing choice consciously makes you a better creator!)

So I am meditating as I always do. Meditation helps to reduce stress and thus makes more energy available to you. However one other thing you can do is to increase your quiet time for self-reflection. I am not fighting my body's needs, I am serving my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body, and my spiritual body. And the benefits are numerous.

In that quiet space, I am open to receive new ideas that have been circling around me waiting for me to pay attention. I am also open to coming into understanding of events, situations and other things that happened to me that my have caused me some distress or upset mentally or emotionally. In the quiet, I get to see multiple perspectives of any situation and my spirit usually interjects pieces of data or wisdom that helps me release that upset. When I do that I am now open to receive the lesson so that I can grow and become better. This enables healing on multiple levels thus freeing more energy for me to be positive and thus more creative.

Most importantly I end up expanding in love for myself and I can then come from a more loving perspective with everyone else. Doing all of this on a regular basis allows me live in the now moment. No more fretting about what is to come because my focus is on the right now. And right now I am capable of doing what there is to do in that moment. Right now I feel so good that I can then receive that truth that all is well. That I am good enough and I believe good is mine and coming to me. Remember what you focus on is what you get so this is such a good perspective to have. It brings you prosperity at whatever level you believe. And it will show up.

Such good feeling and success is something worth striving for and an experience worth repeating over and over. I call it being in my "bubble." My bubble experience helps me to see from my spiritual heart that all is right with the world one moment at a time. Of course I am working to make that moment eternal. So can you. It just starts with self-reflection in the quiet peace of your heart. I promise you if you practice this diligently you will see and feel positive changes within yourself and in your life.

Now I realize winter is here to support me to make this huge choice in my life and get magnificent results. Cold outside. No problem. It is warm inside and toasty inside my heart. What a great place to be on a cold, snowy winter day. I hope you will try it. It works.

Let me know how it goes for you.

Many Blessings,
