There is no disappointment. There is only God’s good for me!
This affirmation is invoking the law of Non-resistance.
When something is making you anxious do not try to be in control of it or try manage it yourself. What you resist, persists. Stop… Bless the situation and baptize it as a stop on the path to success. This is about being in non-resistance. One’s ship comes in over a calm sea.
The disharmony of a situation comes from some disharmony within yourself. When there is no emotional response to the inharmonious situation, it fades away forever from his life. So long as you resist a situation you will have it with you. If you run away from it, it will run after you. Agree that the adverse situation is good and be undisturbed by it, and it will fall away of its own weight. Your work is always about becoming the vibration of success within yourself.
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I am Deb Foggio.
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